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How to Explicate a Poem

Have you ever come away from a poem wondering why the speaker would write a poem about such a strange topic? Perhaps there's a deep allegory you're not picking up on! This article will show you how to begin approaching and deciphering a poem.
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Find practical business information on words.
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1. Start out with an explication chart, which is a T-chart with the left side labeled "Literally" (it denotes) and the right side labeled "Figuratively" (it connotes)
2. Get your poem out. "A Noiseless Patient Spider" by Walt Whitman will be used for this article.
3. Read the poem over, writing any words or phrases that stick out in the left-hand column. For "A Noiseless Patient Spider," the words I see are "noiseless," "patient," "spider," "promontory," "isolated," "vacant vast surrounding," "filament," "tirelessly," "soul," "surrounded," "detached," "measureless oceans of space," "musing, venturing, throwing," "seeking the spheres to connect," "bridge you need," "gossamer thread," "fling catch somewhere." Your total may be more or less, depending on your preference.
4. Look at each of the words or phrases and decide what it means to you - your impression, what a word means, connotation. Virtually anything at all will do for a starting place. Look at "tips" to get some ideas for common meanings.
5. Write what you think the meaning of each word or phrase on the right-hand column. For me, going in order of when they occur in the poem, I get "unheard," "waiting," "unwanted," "dangerous place," "bitter," "alone," "open space," "string or fiber," "onging," "self," "with someone," "unable to connect," "surrounded yet not alone," "trying," "trying to connect," "in need of a way," "breakable threads," "connect with something."
6. Using your right-hand column as a guide, try and decide on what the speaker is trying to say. In the case of "The Noiseless Patient Spider," I get the idea that Whitman longs to connect with someone. Once you've decided on a theme, you can go away from your work feeling slightly smarter.


* Generally in poetry, words such as "dark(ness)" or "black(ness)" of night connotate death or evil, while words such as the breaking of "dawn" and gathering "dusk" or dim "twilight" can connotate the beginning or ending of life.
* When looking at the time of day in a poem, it is common practice to think of "sunrise" as the beginning of life and "sunset" as the end of life. Nature reigns supreme in poetry most often.
* Do your research! If you see a reference to Eden, for example, use it! In Robert Frost's "Nothing Gold Can Stay," the lines "So Eden sank to grief//So dawn goes down to day" can be taken as an allusion to the fall of humankind, and the spiritual "death" that the race suffered.

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How to Explicate a Poem

Have you ever come away from a poem wondering why the speaker would write a poem about such a strange topic? Perhaps there's a deep allegory you're not picking up on! This article will show you how to begin approaching and deciphering a poem.
Poems: we need writers
Publish, be read, and get paid. Start writing poems instantly!
www.blogit.com/ Words
Find practical business information on words.
www.allbusiness.com Free Love Cards
Tons of Romantic eCards. Add Photos & Music. Surprise Your Love Today!


1. Start out with an explication chart, which is a T-chart with the left side labeled "Literally" (it denotes) and the right side labeled "Figuratively" (it connotes)
2. Get your poem out. "A Noiseless Patient Spider" by Walt Whitman will be used for this article.
3. Read the poem over, writing any words or phrases that stick out in the left-hand column. For "A Noiseless Patient Spider," the words I see are "noiseless," "patient," "spider," "promontory," "isolated," "vacant vast surrounding," "filament," "tirelessly," "soul," "surrounded," "detached," "measureless oceans of space," "musing, venturing, throwing," "seeking the spheres to connect," "bridge you need," "gossamer thread," "fling catch somewhere." Your total may be more or less, depending on your preference.
4. Look at each of the words or phrases and decide what it means to you - your impression, what a word means, connotation. Virtually anything at all will do for a starting place. Look at "tips" to get some ideas for common meanings.
5. Write what you think the meaning of each word or phrase on the right-hand column. For me, going in order of when they occur in the poem, I get "unheard," "waiting," "unwanted," "dangerous place," "bitter," "alone," "open space," "string or fiber," "onging," "self," "with someone," "unable to connect," "surrounded yet not alone," "trying," "trying to connect," "in need of a way," "breakable threads," "connect with something."
6. Using your right-hand column as a guide, try and decide on what the speaker is trying to say. In the case of "The Noiseless Patient Spider," I get the idea that Whitman longs to connect with someone. Once you've decided on a theme, you can go away from your work feeling slightly smarter.


* Generally in poetry, words such as "dark(ness)" or "black(ness)" of night connotate death or evil, while words such as the breaking of "dawn" and gathering "dusk" or dim "twilight" can connotate the beginning or ending of life.
* When looking at the time of day in a poem, it is common practice to think of "sunrise" as the beginning of life and "sunset" as the end of life. Nature reigns supreme in poetry most often.
* Do your research! If you see a reference to Eden, for example, use it! In Robert Frost's "Nothing Gold Can Stay," the lines "So Eden sank to grief//So dawn goes down to day" can be taken as an allusion to the fall of humankind, and the spiritual "death" that the race suffered.

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    How to Explicate a Poem

    Have you ever come away from a poem wondering why the speaker would write a poem about such a strange topic? Perhaps there's a deep allegory you're not picking up on! This article will show you how to begin approaching and deciphering a poem.
    Poems: we need writers
    Publish, be read, and get paid. Start writing poems instantly!
    www.blogit.com/ Words
    Find practical business information on words.
    www.allbusiness.com Free Love Cards
    Tons of Romantic eCards. Add Photos & Music. Surprise Your Love Today!


    1. Start out with an explication chart, which is a T-chart with the left side labeled "Literally" (it denotes) and the right side labeled "Figuratively" (it connotes)
    2. Get your poem out. "A Noiseless Patient Spider" by Walt Whitman will be used for this article.
    3. Read the poem over, writing any words or phrases that stick out in the left-hand column. For "A Noiseless Patient Spider," the words I see are "noiseless," "patient," "spider," "promontory," "isolated," "vacant vast surrounding," "filament," "tirelessly," "soul," "surrounded," "detached," "measureless oceans of space," "musing, venturing, throwing," "seeking the spheres to connect," "bridge you need," "gossamer thread," "fling catch somewhere." Your total may be more or less, depending on your preference.
    4. Look at each of the words or phrases and decide what it means to you - your impression, what a word means, connotation. Virtually anything at all will do for a starting place. Look at "tips" to get some ideas for common meanings.
    5. Write what you think the meaning of each word or phrase on the right-hand column. For me, going in order of when they occur in the poem, I get "unheard," "waiting," "unwanted," "dangerous place," "bitter," "alone," "open space," "string or fiber," "onging," "self," "with someone," "unable to connect," "surrounded yet not alone," "trying," "trying to connect," "in need of a way," "breakable threads," "connect with something."
    6. Using your right-hand column as a guide, try and decide on what the speaker is trying to say. In the case of "The Noiseless Patient Spider," I get the idea that Whitman longs to connect with someone. Once you've decided on a theme, you can go away from your work feeling slightly smarter.


    * Generally in poetry, words such as "dark(ness)" or "black(ness)" of night connotate death or evil, while words such as the breaking of "dawn" and gathering "dusk" or dim "twilight" can connotate the beginning or ending of life.
    * When looking at the time of day in a poem, it is common practice to think of "sunrise" as the beginning of life and "sunset" as the end of life. Nature reigns supreme in poetry most often.
    * Do your research! If you see a reference to Eden, for example, use it! In Robert Frost's "Nothing Gold Can Stay," the lines "So Eden sank to grief//So dawn goes down to day" can be taken as an allusion to the fall of humankind, and the spiritual "death" that the race suffered.

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How to Write a Love Letter

We feel good when we make the people we love feel happy. The person you love, who loves you in return, wants to know what he or she does that makes you happy and wants you to describe those things in your own words.
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Keep your browsing history off the record - Download Google Chrome.
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Get How to Attract Women Secrets. Pickup Secrets. Step By Step. More.


1. Think of a time when you felt particularly moved by seeing your loved one. Recall the emotional and physical feelings you experienced in that moment.
2. Write a description of that moment including details about your feelings at the time, starting with a phrase such as, "I remember when"
3. Recall two or three other experiences when you were moved by your loved one's words or actions. Add recollections of these experiences to your letter in the same way you wrote about the first one.
4. Feel the same way you felt the very first time you met your love.
5. If you feel comfortable and it works for your relationship, add dirty things - talk about the last encounter you two had, or what you'd like to do next time you meet.
6. End with a "P.S." Make it stupid. That way, any embarrassment you feel about the letter is lessened. Hopefully, you're not embarrassed by your love letter.
7. Add a bunch of mushy gushy stuff, it's pure dynamite.


* Describe your experiences using your own words, without forcing yourself to be fancy.
* Exclude cliches from your letter.
* Exclude rhyming poetry
* Write two or three drafts until the letter sounds pleasing.
* Write your own, original words, not something you've read or heard. The most important thing of all.
* If you do quote something make sure to give credit for it.
* Read it out loud! Just because it makes sense on paper doesn't mean it will make sense when spoken.
* Try to learn calligraphy. If you think that's hard, it's not. Go to an art supply store, and get a pen, a fine nib, a thicker nib if you like, and a bottle of ink, then go slow and carefully when you write. This not only lets you think more about what you say, it also looks far more impressive.
* Do not use a sentence like "you are hot" or "I like you a lot" or something like that, it might make them a little uneasy.
* Do not explicitly refer to parts of the anatomy. This could be a turn-off. Don't use flippant language either. (Example: badunkadunks.)
* Cheesy can be okay, but be sure not to overdo it. Make it sweet, heartfelt, and true.
* Don't lie to impress. Example: Don't say "I love the way you flip your hair" to impress her/him, when thats not true. Honesty is the best policy.
* Love letters are great as a "refresher" in a relationship, possibly for a special anniversary or such.


* Be prepared to receive a hug and a kiss after your loved one reads your letter.
* But hey, face it, not everyone is in to you. Don't write a love letter unless you're sure the guy/girl is into you. Writing something as heartfelt as a love letter may be too much for some people. Be prepared for a letdown, but don't absolutely expect it.
* Keep it simple, but hearfelt.
* Don't focus on yourself.
* If you're a girl writing a love letter to her guy, don't be surprised if he thinks it's a joke, or just says "Yeah whatever" and stuffs it into a drawer. Sometimes, guys aren't all 'lovey-dovey' like girls, and they simply might not understand the letter
* REMEMBER - If it's written down, it can be shown to other people! The best way to talk to your partner is always in person, otherwise you could find your romantic sonnet photocopied and pasted all over your school/workplace.
* While simply handing the letter over or even reading it aloud work, you can increase the overall effect by memorizing the letter and simply telling them. You gain the added advantage of being able to look them in the eye (as opposed to reading it from the paper, in which you can only make minimal eye contact), exude an incredible confidence as few people can muster the strength to say these sorts of things, and create a genuine memory together. Afterwards, you can give them the letter as a reminder of that incredible moment that you two shared.


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How to Write a Love Letter

We feel good when we make the people we love feel happy. The person you love, who loves you in return, wants to know what he or she does that makes you happy and wants you to describe those things in your own words.
Free Love Cards
Tons of Romantic eCards. Add Photos & Music. Surprise Your Love Today!
www.Smilebox.com Browse incognito
Keep your browsing history off the record - Download Google Chrome.
www.google.com/chrome How to Attract Women
Get How to Attract Women Secrets. Pickup Secrets. Step By Step. More.


1. Think of a time when you felt particularly moved by seeing your loved one. Recall the emotional and physical feelings you experienced in that moment.
2. Write a description of that moment including details about your feelings at the time, starting with a phrase such as, "I remember when"
3. Recall two or three other experiences when you were moved by your loved one's words or actions. Add recollections of these experiences to your letter in the same way you wrote about the first one.
4. Feel the same way you felt the very first time you met your love.
5. If you feel comfortable and it works for your relationship, add dirty things - talk about the last encounter you two had, or what you'd like to do next time you meet.
6. End with a "P.S." Make it stupid. That way, any embarrassment you feel about the letter is lessened. Hopefully, you're not embarrassed by your love letter.
7. Add a bunch of mushy gushy stuff, it's pure dynamite.


* Describe your experiences using your own words, without forcing yourself to be fancy.
* Exclude cliches from your letter.
* Exclude rhyming poetry
* Write two or three drafts until the letter sounds pleasing.
* Write your own, original words, not something you've read or heard. The most important thing of all.
* If you do quote something make sure to give credit for it.
* Read it out loud! Just because it makes sense on paper doesn't mean it will make sense when spoken.
* Try to learn calligraphy. If you think that's hard, it's not. Go to an art supply store, and get a pen, a fine nib, a thicker nib if you like, and a bottle of ink, then go slow and carefully when you write. This not only lets you think more about what you say, it also looks far more impressive.
* Do not use a sentence like "you are hot" or "I like you a lot" or something like that, it might make them a little uneasy.
* Do not explicitly refer to parts of the anatomy. This could be a turn-off. Don't use flippant language either. (Example: badunkadunks.)
* Cheesy can be okay, but be sure not to overdo it. Make it sweet, heartfelt, and true.
* Don't lie to impress. Example: Don't say "I love the way you flip your hair" to impress her/him, when thats not true. Honesty is the best policy.
* Love letters are great as a "refresher" in a relationship, possibly for a special anniversary or such.


* Be prepared to receive a hug and a kiss after your loved one reads your letter.
* But hey, face it, not everyone is in to you. Don't write a love letter unless you're sure the guy/girl is into you. Writing something as heartfelt as a love letter may be too much for some people. Be prepared for a letdown, but don't absolutely expect it.
* Keep it simple, but hearfelt.
* Don't focus on yourself.
* If you're a girl writing a love letter to her guy, don't be surprised if he thinks it's a joke, or just says "Yeah whatever" and stuffs it into a drawer. Sometimes, guys aren't all 'lovey-dovey' like girls, and they simply might not understand the letter
* REMEMBER - If it's written down, it can be shown to other people! The best way to talk to your partner is always in person, otherwise you could find your romantic sonnet photocopied and pasted all over your school/workplace.
* While simply handing the letter over or even reading it aloud work, you can increase the overall effect by memorizing the letter and simply telling them. You gain the added advantage of being able to look them in the eye (as opposed to reading it from the paper, in which you can only make minimal eye contact), exude an incredible confidence as few people can muster the strength to say these sorts of things, and create a genuine memory together. Afterwards, you can give them the letter as a reminder of that incredible moment that you two shared.

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How to Show Your Wife or Husband That You Truly Love Them

In the excitement of a new romance, it seems easy and natural to communicate your love for the other person. After marriage, however, many couples settle into a routine in which one or both partners feel as though they are taken for granted. Don't let another day go by without reinforcing your love for your spouse. Follow these steps to show your partner how much you really love them.
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1. Remember, love is an act of the will, not a warm feeling or a clever expression of experience. True love requires you to deny yourself and seek to meet your beloved's needs.
Find out your partner's preferred "Love Language." Do they know you love them when you speak words of love? Or maybe they feel loved by your acts of service? Some people feel loved by receiving little gifts, and others by loving touches. Real love is not based on your preference but your partner's.
3. Speak your love. Clear communication will let your partner know how much you love them. Speaking from your experience is a way of sharing yourself so that your partner can hear it. You might say, "My heart expands when you walk into the room" or "I think about you throughout my day, and each time I do, I smile." Say whatever is true. Remember that actions often speak louder than words; don't just say something, do something.
4. Show your love through your actions, such as drawing a bath, giving a massage, doing the dishes, or writing a poem. Choose an action that you know your partner will appreciate. Remember, denying yourself never means doing things begrudgingly. If you communicate the desire not to do something loving, you may as well not be doing it.
5. Spend time being present with your partner. (This is often the least used, but the most powerful form of loving.) Turn off the phone, the TV, computer, and the radio and sit together allowing yourselves to experience each other. Being present with your husband or wife obviously provides the opportunity to serve him or her, so be available to love your spouse.
Speak the truth. Telling your partner the truth is a loving thing to do because it shows trust and respect. The truth doesn't have to be positive to be meaningful. It just needs to be true. Show your spouse unconditional love, but not unconditional acceptance. Don't be caught up into the cultural notion that to love is to never seek to help someone better himself or herself. Use gracious words to point out your spouse's weaknesses and offer constructive suggestions on how to improve these things. Always be willing to accept correction from your spouse too. If you give the impression that you think you're perfect and your partner is not; then, no number of loving words or deeds will communicate love.

[edit] Tips

* You can make mistakes in loving-which is why forgiveness is such a vital part of your loving actions toward your spouse. If you are forgiving, you are more likely to be forgiven.
* Take your partner out to different places such as out for dinners, movies, or vacation.
* Remember, service and love are inherently connected. Whatever you know your partners needs, that is what you should be doing to love him or her. The moment you start insisting on your way or doing what you want, you have stopped loving your spouse.


* In order to have a healthy relationship, you need to determine--as an act of the will--to always "try" to love and to always resolve to deny your own needs for the sake of those of your spouse.
* Being together longer doesn't make it easier, it only makes it harder so you have to try harder.